6 best places to visit in Varanasi (Banaras)
People have different reasons for traveling. If your reason for traveling is to visit a sacred place that offers an amazing and unique experience with its historical value apart from its pilgrimage then Varanasi could be the right choice. The old town has amazing places that will never fade in your memory once you visit the place. Varanasi is located on the banks of the famous and mighty river Ganges. Ganges has great faith in Hinduism adherents. The river is believed to wash away sins when taking a dip in the river. Varanasi is famously called the city of temples and learning. Varanasi is a mix of religion, philosophy, culture and crafts. Here are the 6 places to visit in Banaras trip. 1. River Ganges Ganges is famous for the religiously minded Hindus who owe it to their beliefs about the power of the river in washing away their sins. Whether you take a dip in the Ganges River or not, you shouldn't miss the river on your trip to Varanasi. You would love a walk along the river whi...